Credit attorney

Foley Law Credit Report FCRA Lawyer Southlake

What Good Credit Means

A summary of an individual’s credit history, a credit report serves several functions for both individuals and business. For the individual, the report serves as a historical marker of every major financial decision and a measuring stick for their current financial standing. For business, the report serves as an indicator showing them whether doing business with an individual or another company would be a sound investment. If an individual has a good report, the business can be somewhat assured they won’t lose money with the individual.

Credit Report FCRA Lawyer Fort Worth

What Good Credit Means

A summary of an individual’s credit history, a credit report serves as both a marker for an individual’s financial history and a measuring tool for business to consider when offering financial services to an individual.

Credit reports change depending on the individual’s financial decisions. A bad credit report can limit an individual’s financial opportunities, but the individual always has the option of working to improve the report and have more options for future financial decisions.

Foley Law Credit Report FCRA Lawyer Burleson

The Credit Report

 A credit report gives a summary of an individual’s credit history, including debt and open credit lines. The report is provided by one or more consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) to potential lenders giving them information to help make decisions on an individual’s financial requests, from car loans to starting a business.

Why Credit Reports Are So Important

Foley Law Credit Report FCRA Lawyer Arlington

The Importance of a Credit Report

 A credit report gives a summary of an individual’s credit history, including debt and open credit lines. The report is provided by one or more consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) to potential lenders giving them information to help make decisions on an individual’s financial requests, from car loans to starting a business.

What Is A Credit Report?